Explorers Room


Our explorers Room can accommodate up to 9 babies, starting from 6 weeks and moving on when your child is developmentally ready, which is normally between 22-26 months. This cosy room lends itself to a homely environment helping to achieve a smooth transition between home and nursery life.

During your pre-arranged settling in session our dedicated staff will discuss your child’s routine, likes and dislikes to ensure that all your baby’s needs are planned and catered for prior to them starting their time at the nursery. Once settled into nursery life your child will be allocated a key worker who will be responsible for completing daily routines for your baby and monitoring their development through Famly, our online learning journal which you can access 24 hours a day.

Our explorers Room development strategies concentrate on learning through play, high level interactions and carefully planned activities such as songs and rhymes, messy play, outdoor play, block play and sensory play sessions. Babies are encouraged to begin verbal and non-verbal communication with both their peers and carers focusing on repetition and imitation.

We provide babies with exploratory and sensory opportunities through the use of treasury baskets to engage the baby’s senses and curiosities of everyday objects. Outdoor learning is catered for by regular outings, along with use of the nursery garden where we have equipment and activities to stimulate the development of your little one.

Babies and toddlers are given a nutritious balanced diet which is planned with the input of our trained nursery physical activity and nutritional coordinator and prepared daily on site by our nursery cook. According to parents choices we cater allergies and food requirements accordingly and cater for babies and younger through baby led weaning programmes or providing pureed fruit/vegetables before introducing them to fish, meats and other food substances.

